Sammy Hagar- I Can’t Drive 55- Dallas 12-4-91 (w/Van Halen)

“It took me sixteen hours to get to Dallas Texas today!”, sings Sammy Hagar to the huge crowd near the end of this legendary free concert in the blocked off streets of downtown Dallas Texas that sunny December afternoon during the performance with Van Halen of his anthem, “I Can’t Drive 55”. But in actual fact, this covert free concert had been over three years in the making since Sammy Hagar, plagued not once but twice in mid-Eighties appearances by notorious North Texas pollen-induced laryngitis, promised a free make-up concert to a Texxas Jam audience. That magical day made it all seem worth it. –Redbeard

(Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony, still inseparable, in Nashville August 2024- photo Lee Palmer)