Coverdale- Page 30th Anniversary- David and Jimmy
“We did not sit down and say, ‘Let’s make a Led’Snake album’. We just wrote songs,” insisted David Coverdale when explaining his motivation for collaborating with legendary Led Zeppelin guitarist/songwriter/producer Jimmy Page for the March 1993 million-seller, Coverdale-Page. “(Before working with Page) I had thought that I’d lost my passion. I had sent the loincloth off to the cleaners, and I hadn’t asked for it back.” This after David had sold 19,000,000 copies of Whitesnake ’87 and Slip of the Tongue in barely three years, all the while bordering on saturation rotation at the absolute apex of MTV’s biggest years of influence. “We definitely were guilty of mousse abuse,” quipped Coverdale in explaining why he then put the Whitesnake juggernaut on ice indefinitely in late 1990.
Meanwhile over the same period of time, Jimmy Page had attempted to get back on the boards with The Firm with singer Paul Rodgers, then the Outrider solo album, but the only performances that seemed to get any traction would be the occasional Led Zeppelin reunion, tantalizing at both Live Aid and the Atlantic Records 25th anniversary. But a full-blown recording effort and tour were rebuffed then by former Led Zeppelin singer/songwriter Robert Plant, and Jimmy Page reveals why in this ultra-rare classic rock interview. By Summer 1993, Coverdale-Page had debuted at #4 sales in the UK and Top Five sales in America because of songs “Shake My Tree” (with an electric blues riff that Jimmy Page had been saving ever since the In Through the Out Door sessions in 1979); “Pride and Joy”; the sophisticated modern blues sleeper “Don’t Leave Me This Way”; and the epic, soaring shoulda-beena-classic “Take Me for a Little While”. Coverdale-Page has aged quite well over the three decades, and we are pleased to share my rare classic rock interview with my guests David Coverdale and Jimmy Page to mark its thirtieth anniversary year. -Redbeard
Copyright 1993, 2023 by Redbeard Rocks Productions. All rights reserved.