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215 search results for: Ten Years After


Steve Winwood- Arc of a Diver

When I sat down In the Studio in Autumn 1990 with Steve Winwood to talk about his then new release “Refugees of the Heart” , he had already established himself with the breakthrough album  “Arc of a Dive”r  ten years prior, then midway in between released “Back in the High Life”, one of the biggest albums commercially as well as critically, and “Roll With It”,  in the Eighties.


Greg Lake- Affairs of the Heart- Dallas 1992

Greg Lake of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer and the original King Crimson showed up In the Studio in Dallas on Q102 one afternoon in 1992 with a curvy blonde (guitar) on his lap and serenaded us with this spine-tingling rendition of “Affairs of the Heart”.


Showco- Jim Bornhorst part 3

Showco introduces the concept of the portable custom P.A., commissioned by and traveling with the bands; John Tedesco‘s pneumatic lighting towers; Kirby Wyatt, Randy Blair, Steve Jander, & Led Zeppelin play with lasers; the “gel-change project”; after ten years of non-stop expansion and reinvestment back into the company, double near-disasters force a fires sale and […]


George Harrison- All Things Must Pass

It is the  fiftieth anniversary of “All Things Must Pass” from the late George Harrison, who surprised everybody by becoming the most popular maker of solo music for the first five years after the Beatles called it a career. George Harrison talks easily about “What Is Life?”,”My Sweet Lord”,”Isn’t It a Pity” from the triple LP massive ( and massively popular) All Things Must Pass; 


REO Speedwagon- Hi Infidelity- Kevin Cronin, Neal Doughty

REO Speedwagon believed in their long game, and their long-suffering record label gave them TEN trips to the plate until the band touched all the bases in November 1980 with Hi Infidelity . Lead singer Kevin Cronin and band keyboard player co-founder Neal Doughty tell the worst-to-first ten year overnight sensation story In the Studio.


Ozzy Osbourne- Ozzmosis

Ozzy Osbourne’s biggest seller in about fifteen years, 1995’s “Ozzmosis” ironically was released after he had announced a very high profile retirement. “Me without a band is like I’m walking around naked or something. ” Ozzy is a funny, charming, surprisingly insightful guest with me In the Studio.
So hear about the emperor’s new clothes with Ozzy Osbourne on “Ozzmosis”.  


Police- Zenyatta Mondatta- Sting, Andy Summers, Stewart Copeland

It seems that stardom for The Police had occurred in the UK after the release of their second album, “Reggatta de Blanc” , but mainstream popularity in the U.S. still eluded them until October 1980’s “Zenyatta Mondatta”. My guests In the Studio are Police-men Sting, Stewart Copeland, and Andy Summers.


INXS- X – Andrew Farriss, the late Michael Hutchence

It is bittersweet to share with you the World Premiere radio broadcast of INXS “X” which I was so fortunate to get to produce and host in September 1990 with guests lead singer/lyricist Michael Hutchence and keyboardist/ composer Andrew Farriss.


Neil Young and Crazy Horse- Ragged Glory 30th Anniversary

Last Fall 2019 when I made what felt like a pilgrimmage to a suburban Dallas movie theater with very dear friends to see Neil Young and Crazy Horse’s film of making their latest album, “Colorado” , I could not resist the comparisons to “Ragged Glory” three decades earlier.


Jethro Tull- Minstrel in the Gallery- Ian Anderson

“Light and shade,” Jimmy Page once told me, speaking to the secret of Led Zeppelin’s universal popularity, and never was that combination more on display than on the title song to Jethro Tull’s September 1975 “Minstrel in the Gallery”.