
YES- Union- Jon Anderson,Tony Kaye, Steve Howe,Trevor Rabin,the late Chris Squire & Alan White
It's the thirtieth anniversary of the long dreamed about, too good to last summit meeting of both Seventies- and Eighties-era YES members on the album "Union", with Jon Anderson, Trevor Rabin, Alan White, Steve Howe, Tony Kaye, and the late Chris Squire ALL In the Studio.

Queen- Innuendo- Brian May, Roger Taylor
Queen's Brian May and Roger Taylor In the Studio with Redbeard on the 30th anniversary of "Innuendo", Freddie Mercury's final album, which Rolling Stone magazine called "Queen's last masterpiece."

Chris Whitley-“Living With the Law”- Dallas 7-91
Although Chris Whitley's birth certificate listed Houston Texas as his birthplace, by the time the eclectic modern bluesman's untimely death in 2005 at age 45, Chris had lived all over the world. Sensing a rare authenticity and smoldering…

John Mellencamp- Martha Say- Dec 1991
I spent part of my Christmas holiday 1991 in an A-frame cabin with a woodburning stove in the still snow-covered woods among the hills and "hollers" of Central Indiana's Brown County . But we weren't there for skiing or even simply to chill out . Instead , I was there to record the private rehearsal for the upcoming John Mellencamp tour .

Squeeze’s Chris Difford and Glenn Tilbrook- Crying in My Sleep 10-91
From October 1991 in Arlington TX nightclub live on Q102, Squeeze mainstays Chris Difford and Glenn Tilbrook strumming through "Crying in My Sleep", remarkably with no stage, no monitors, no PA, no lights, straight off the floor. Wow, what…