

ZZ TOP- Eliminator- Billy Gibbons, Frank Beard, the late Dusty Hill

And yes, the series of clever, campy videos on the upstart MTV video channel in America undoubtedly had much to do with that staggering (15 million just in US) level of popularity for "Eliminator" (truly ironic, since manager Bill Ham had steadfastly kept ZZ Top off of U.S. television until then). But the songwriting, musicianship, modern arranging, and state-of-the-art recording on "Eliminator" which I heard that day was truly extraordinary. Billy Gibbons, Frank Bread, & the late Dusty Hill are my guests In the Studio.

ZZ Top- Fandango- Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, Frank Beard

For their 1975 "Fandango", my guests Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill, and Frank Beard in "That Little Ol' Band from Texas" ZZ Top were tellin' tall tales here In the Studio  long before Netflix or Amazon Prime were ever invented! -Redbeard